Saturday, February 2, 2013

My Voice or Lack Thereof

For most the people I associate myself with today, I don't feel many really understand by obsession with music. I'm guessing that's due to my inability to name every song on an album or not liking the appropriate genres. Another fact as I'm sure most have picked up, I love to sing. I have always loved to sing even when I was a toddler singing along to The Little Mermaid soundtrack. As soon as I was able, I joined my school choir in 3rd grade at Holy Ghost. The lyrics were a bit religious for my taste, but I still embraced it because I got to do something I loved. I still remember getting excited over being able to sing a solo at the podium on the altar, but I'm getting off topic. Through all of middle school, I not only did concerts and competitions with the school choir but also sang for the talent show multiple times. Either they didn't want to hurt my feelings or I wasn't all that bad. Unfortunately in high school I had no time to take chorus as my schedule was too full of AP classes and work. Along with many other things I enjoyed doing, life got in the way and I had to give it up.

I have over the years gotten much, much worse; which aggravates more than anyone will know. I used to take pride in my voice when people would compliment my solo and ensemble performance or the duets my best friend and I used to sing for fun. In all honestly, I still sing a-lot. And not just on the car rides to and from school. I actually record myself in the hope that I can hear my flaws and try to get my voice back up to par. I don't really know why I can't be ignorant enough to just sing for fun, but I feel like I have to be good at it to. I'm not really working toward anything but there's nothing wrong with having a little pride? A girl can dream.

Well this rant has gone on long enough. Back to looking up karaoke versions of songs no one's heard of and enjoying that little bit of bliss in singing your favorite songs.